Two guys are discussing one’s upcoming Funny Jokes 07


Funny Jokes

Two guys are discussing one’s upcoming wedding.
“I’m not sure if my future bride is a virgin or not.”
His buddy replies, “Oh, there’s an easy test for that.
All you need is some red paint, some blue paint and a shovel.
You paint one ball red a


Funny Jokes

On his first day on the job, the trainee dialed the kitchen and shouted into the phone:“Get me a cup of coffee, quickly!”The voice from the other side responded:“You fool, you've dialed the wrong extension! Do you know who you're talking to?”“No,” replied


Funny Jokes

I walked into a coffee shop on Halloween to find the woman behind the counterwith a bunch of sponges pinned to her uniform.“I'm assuming this is a costume, but just what are you supposed to be?” I asked.The waitress responded proudly, “I'm self-absorbed


Funny Jokes

An arab and his wife are at mid point on a long trek across the desert when suddenly their camel sits down and refuses to get up.The arab beats it with his stick, pulls with all his strength on the reins, swears at it, and invokes Allah's help. All to no


Funny Jokes

A blonde was summoned to court to appear as a witness in a lawsuitThe prosecutor opened his questioning with, “Where were you the night of August 24th?”“Objection!” said the defense attorney“Irrelevant!”“Oh, that's okay,” said the blonde from the witness


Funny Jokes

An 85-year-old man was told by the Doctor that he needed a sperm count as part of his  physical exam.The doctor gave the man a jar and said,  ‘Take this jar home and bring back a sperm sample  tomorrow.'The next day the 85-year-old man reappeared at the d


Funny Jokes

Little Johnny was sitting in class doing math problems when his teacher picked him to answer a question,“Johnny, if there were five birds sitting on a fence and you shot one with your gun, how many would be left?”“None,” replied Johnny, “cause the rest wo


Funny Jokes

A boss said to his secretary, “I want to make love with you, but I will make it very fast.
I’ll throw $1,000 on the floor and by the time you down to pick it up, I’ll be done.”
She thought for a moment then called her boyfriend and told him the stor


Funny Jokes

Sometimes, if you really really want something, you’ve just got to keep trying until you get it.
No matter what your goals, you have to push boundaries and excel yourself to achieve anything.
But, does that apply to children? What if you really want


Funny Jokes

An elderly man told his wife, Honey we have done everything in our life except ride in an aeroplane.
Let’s do it, she said ok.
They went to the airport and after much bargaining with the owner of an open-top plane, the pilot/owner said,
I’ll take


Funny Jokes

A man was sick and tired of going to work every day while his wife stayed home.He wanted her to see what he went through so he prayed, “Dear Lord, I go to work every day and put in 8 hours while my wife merely stays at homeI want her to know what I go thr


Funny Jokes

The driver gets out of the cab and is Looking at the engine when a second Lorry driver stops in front of him and asks if he needs help.The penguins' driver explains that he is taking the penguins to the zoo and asks if the other man wouldtake the penguins


Funny Jokes

After about four minutes in the examination room, she started screaming and ran down the hall.An older doctor stopped her and asked what the problem was, and she told him her story.After listening, he told her to sit down and relax in another room.The old


Funny Jokes

Two factory workers are talking.The woman said, “I know how to get some time off from work!”“How?” asked the man.“Watch this,” said the woman.She climbed up to the rafter and hanged upside down.The boss walked in, saw her and said, “What on earth are you


Funny Jokes

Three high ranking Axis soldiers are about to be interrogated during WWII.
One is a member of the Gestapo, one is an Imperial Japanese officer and one is a Fascist Italian Commander.
They are all sitting in their holding cell discussing what they ar


Funny Jokes

A blonde driving a car became lost in a snowstorm.She didn't panic, however, because she remembered what her dad had once told her:“If you ever get stuck in a snowstorm, just wait for a snow-plow to come by, and follow it.”Sure enough, pretty soon a snow-


Funny Jokes

A woman gets home, screeches her car into the driveway,
runs into the house, slams the door and shouts at the top of
her lungs, “Morris, pack your bags. …. I won the lottery!
The husband says, ‘Oh my God!
What should I pack, beach stuff or mou


Funny Jokes

A man goes to the doctor and complains that his wife cant hear him.How bad is it? the doctor asks.I have no idea, the husband says.Well, please test herStand 20 feet away from her and say something.If she doesn't hear you, get closer and say the same thin


Funny Jokes

I took out my wallet, extracted ten dollars and asked, “If I give you this money, will you buy some beer with it instead of dinner?”“No, I had to stop drinking years ago,” the homeless man replied.“Will you use it to go fishing instead of buying food?” I


Funny Jokes

I was barely sitting down when I heard a voice from the other stall saying: ‘Hi, how are you?' I'm not the type to start a conversation in the restroom but I don't know what got into me, so I answered, somewhat embarrassed, ‘Doin' just fine!'And the other


Funny Jokes

…something this girl knew all too well.One day a 12-year-old girl was walking down the street, when a car pulled up beside her and the driver lowered a window.“I'll give you a large bag of M&Ms if you get in the car,” said the driver.“No way! Get lost!” r


Funny Jokes

While doing a vasectomy, the doctor slipped and cut off one of the man’s balls.
To avoid a huge malpractice suit, he decided to replace the ball with on onion.
Several weeks later the patient returned for a checkup.
“How’s your s*x life?” the doc


Funny Jokes

Some of the emails were hilarious but this one from a Swiss was a winner.“Being British is about driving in a German car to an Irish pub for a Belgian beer.”“Then travelling home, grabbing an Indian curry or a Turkish kebab on the way, to sit on a Swedish


Funny Jokes

You should never lie if you've been unfaithful of course – but it can make for a funny story!A man's wife asks him to go to the store to buy her a pack of cigarettes.The man thinks that sounds like a great idea, since he needs to stretch his legs anyway.H


Funny Jokes

Through the pitch-black night, the captain sees a light dead ahead on a collision course with his ship.He sends a signal: “Change your course 10 degree east.”The light signals back: “Change yours, 10 degrees west.”Angry, the captain sends: “I'm a navy cap


Funny Jokes

There was this preacher who was an avid golfer. Every chance he could get, he could be found on the golf course swinging away.
It was an obsession. One Sunday was a picture perfect day for golfing.
The sun was out, no clouds in the sky, and the temp


Funny Jokes

My uncle Jim is getting older, and he’s having trouble with his memory.
So he went to his doctor, and he started taking these pills to help his memory.
“Hey Uncle Jim,” I said, “what are those memory pills you’re taking called?” “Ahhhh…um….hmmm” he


Funny Jokes

A man who had just undergone a very complicated operation kept complaining about a bump on his head and a terrible headache.Since his operation had been an intestinal one, there was no earthly reason why he should be complaining of a headache.Finally his


Funny Jokes

Ray came home one night from a long day at work, slid into bed beside his sleeping wife, and fell into a deep slumberHe awoke before the Pearly Gates, where StPeter said, ‘You died in your sleep, Ray.'Ray was stunned‘I'm dead? No, I can't be! I've got too


Funny Jokes

While having a bite to eat, they talk about their moonshine operation.Suddenly, a woman at a nearby table, who is eating a sandwich, begins to cough.After a minute or so, it becomes apparent that she is in real distress.One of the hillbillies looks at her

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